Sunday, February 10, 2013

Composition and Shape

This is the original photo used
This week we learned about shapes, their composition and how to use these to bring emotion to the design. The way images are used on a page can elicit emotions from the audience. If done well, it can achieve the goals you were aiming for (i.e - a popular advertisement that brings sales).

In the case of this week's class, we were given the task of choosing a photo, taking 5 silhouettes from the image and creating 6 different images using these silhouettes. Below is my original and my compositions. Let me know if you can guess which emotion I was aiming for.

(**spoiler alert** - I placed an answer key at the bottom of the post)

Composition 2

Composition 1
Composition 4
Composition 3

Composition 5

Composition 6

***** Answer Key****
*1)Busyness  *2) Serenity  *3) Growth  *4) Anger  *5) Loneliness  *6) Intimacy  

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