Sunday, February 3, 2013

The 7 Elements of Art

This week we learned about the 7 Elements of Art. While many images contain multiple elements and can be used to highlight many things at once, this week's assignment is to find 3 photographs for each element that best showcase that element. Some of the photo's I will use for this post I had a hard time with. Some will one dominant character and other will have multiples. In the end, I hope to have presented them out for you to best understand what each concept is meant to show.

1) LINE - See how the lines in the photos draw your eyes throughout the images?

2) Shape - The shapes created with these photos captivate and draw attention


3) Color (hue and value) - Not all images have color but they do all have a value.


4) Texture - The texture created with the wood, shading of the leaves and tree that 'eats' the bench are almost palpable.

5) Value - Value is tone. How does the tone affect your viewing?

6)Space - Both negative and positive spaces direct your eye across the photo.


7) Form - What is it about these forms that captivate you?


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