Saturday, March 30, 2013

Midterm Assignment

Our midterm assignment was to pick up the redesign idea from last class. We were to choose one of the two redesigns and continue the process with four full pages of the website. If you recall, I chose to use the website Seamless. Here is there original page I found on their site:


They have since fixed the glitch of the photo that is the background. Now their site can be seen to look like the following with food in the background as an afterthought. I still disagree with this but here is the newer version for you to compare:

I started out my redesign of the site using our color theory as a base. I then used the Telugu font. It is a sans-serif font that is clean, slim and elegant to help with the image one would hope to have with food. The original site used the triadic or split color base and so I thought to do the same. The idea being that the colors would represent a younger and more hip neutral palette. For the home page, I decided to minimize the clutter and bring the food aspect of the site to the forefront. I also made the social networking and blog concepts more central to the design and easier to see. Lastly I moved the start your order to the sidebar but gave it prominent placement. I feel the new design cleaned up the clutter and made the design easier to take in overall.

Next came the “How it works” page. Firstly I noticed when navigating their site and using the menu in the top banner, that there is no color change to show what page you are actually on. I changed that and now added the coloring to delineate which page you are on. I removed the sidebar as I thought it to be distracting to what the page is intended to do (explain the business). I loved the visual icons from the original site depicting the explanation, so i used the same but changed the colors to match the redesign and cleaned up the copy a bit. I kept many aspects of the home page however (like the info box and footer) to keep with continuity of the overall design.

Then came the blog. As this is supposed to be a younger demo site, their blog is critical to the word of mouth and success of the business overall. As such their blog must be clean, simple, de-cluttered and easy to navigate. Again, placing the food front and center is important. Then I made the font easy to read. I placed the ‘order now’ box in the sidebar so that if they read something they wanted to try right away, they could order on the spot. I also added search options in the sidebar as those would be necessary on this page. Overall I find this page much more useful, easier to read and to navigate.

Lastly is the log in page. On the original site this page is simply a pop-up or shadow box. I don’t agree with that as I find it obscures the brand and the site overall. I think it needs a full page of its own along with more photos of food front and center. Keeping the order box and footer, makes it easy for users to log in and order straight away without having to navigate further into the site. I also made sure to keep the social networking and blog options present as those are central to the business.

1 comment:

  1. Your design is not bad but I happen to like the original Seamless site.
