Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This week the object was to redesign a webpage we thought was done badly. I chose This website was created to quickly order food as delivery or take out from your mobile devices or at work. Here is the original site:

I thought the original site was dark and cluttered looking. A lot of text that was hard to read and in the wrong spots in that it doesn't lead your eye around the page. There is also no sign of food. Considering its a food site, the lack of actual food is a big negative for me.

Now on to my redesign. The first is the more conservative design. I kept the colors and logo of the original site to try and not stray too far from the concept. Then I added pictures of more gourmet options for delivery. I kept the social networking to a minimum and increased the size of the font to make it easy to read and find what the user was looking for. Here is what I came up with:

Then I had to redesign a more contemporary design. I changed the pictures to those of 'younger' more 'hip' foods. I also decreased the size of the fonts and chose younger verbage. I cleaned up the design a bit and moved to social networking section to a more prominent place. I also added more quick picks in the side bar top make it easier to quickly order what you wanted if you didn't want to browse at all. Here is the outcome:

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